Friday, January 28, 2011

Student Reaction To The Tournaments

By Claudia Ramirez

The Fox Flash Online asked a few of the students at Fox what their opinion was on hosting the Conference Tournament this week and here are some of their comments:

"I think it's cool, because I get out of class and we never have tournaments at Fox. Plus, I like the pudding!"
-Ashleah Teafatiller

"I like being here because we get out of school."
-Hollie Tiger

"I think it's good because more people will see our school."
-Lyndsey Teafatiller

High School Games Tonight

The Fox Foxes will travel to Ryan tonight to take on the Cowgirls and Cowboys with the girl's game starting at 6:30PM.

Come out and support your Lady Foxes and Foxes!

Oilfield Conference Finals Set for Saturday

The 3rd place and Championship games are set for the Junior High Oilfield Conference Tournament this Saturday.

The girls 3rd place game will be Bray against Wilson starting at 1PM.
The boys 3rd place game will be Healdton against Bray starting at 2:15PM.

The girls championship game will be Velma against Ringling starting at 3:30PM.
The boys championship game will be Velma against Ringling starting at 4:45PM.

Our booster club will be selling food to raise money for new jerseys for our basketball program, so come out, watch some basketball and have a good time!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tournament Time... at Fox?

by Jessica Schmidt and Mayara Carreiro

A big thing is going on at Fox this week...the Junior High Oilfield Conference Tournament takes place at our school! It's the first basketball tournament we have had in a long time. Everyone is excited, especially to our basketball coaches. Coach Spigner said that he couldn't remember ever having a basketball tournament at our school and that it has been awesome hosting it. For Coach Queener, the tournament gives the option to play ball and have some fun. Queener thinks that the tournament has gone pretty well and he is very proud of his boys. "Good" is what Coach Spigner answered to the question of how the tournament is going so far.
Of course the school has had a lot of things to prepare for this tournament to be successful but Spigner and Queener agreed that everyone that has helped so far is doing a great job and that everything is going pretty smooth. Coach Spigner is so excited that he can't wait to have a second tournament at Fox before the first one is over!

So all in all we can be proud of our school hosting this tournament and doing such a great job. So come watch the games and of course don't forget to cheer for the FOX FOXES!!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Weeks Events

Junior High Oilfield Conference Tournament at Fox 12:30 and 1:45

Junior High Oilfield Conference Tournament at Fox starting at 4

High School Basketball at Ryan starting at 6:30

Junior High Oilfield Conference Tournament at Fox starting at Noon

Breakfast and Lunch Menu

Breakfast: Egg, Sausage, Toast, Orange, Juice, Milk
Lunch: Baked Potatoes w/ Chili Cheese, Combination Salad, Crackers, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Milk

Breakfast: Biscuits & Gravy, 1/2 of a Banana, Juice, Milk
Lunch: BBQ Bun, Baked Beans, Potato Wedges, Peanut Butter Cake, Milk

JH Oilfield Conference Hospitaliy Room

By Tyler Townsend and Kaylee Schier

Monday January 24, 2011 the Fox Junior High Basketball had their first Junior High Oilfield Conference. The games will be held Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday. There are fourteen games total.

Ms. Crawshaw with the help of several students has gladly cooked a hospitality dinner for all the coaches and administration. The menu includes:
Monday: Hamburger stew, Mexican cornbread, shredded cheese, vegetable tray with ranch dip, drinks, and strawberry short cake.

Wednesday: Hamburger stew, Mexican cornbread, shredded cheese, vegetable tray with ranch dip, drinks, and banana pudding.

Thursday: Loaded baked potatoes, Hawaiian sandwiches, vegetable tray with ranch dip, drinks, and chocolate chip cookies.

Saturday: Campfire beans, chili, Ramon noodle salad, vegetable tray with ranch dip, drinks, and peanut butter cake.

Ms. Crawshaw said, "without the help from the cafeteria who is making all desserts and donating food, we could not do it, we owe them a big thank you."

Thank you Ms. Crawshaw, students, and Cafeteria Ladies for all your help.