Thursday, October 7, 2010

Twins Twins and More Twins...

By Cheyenne Hagood and Cody Plemmons

Instead of the saying "we look a hundred per" in our school fight song, we might could change it to something about seeing doubles or insert your own creative pun! In the past 10 years at Fox we have become known throughout the state for our unusual amount of twins! Just from asking different teachers and support staff at the school this was the list we came up and we may have left a few out. Brent and Kent Smart, Kyle and Kevin Lewis, Kyle and Gavin Tefatiller, Lindsay and Asheligh Tefatiller, Timmy and Tori, Trent and Seth Beaird, Ryan and Bryan Garza, David and Drew Martin, Dillion and Dalton Langley, and last but not least Chris and Katie Spinger. As you see in the picture is only one set of twins here at Fox Drew and David Martin.

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