Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Looking Forward to the New Semester

By Kaylee Schier and Tyler Townsend

The new semester started January 5, 2011. As the new semester starts both principals are getting students ready to take the Oklahoma State Tests. As we interviewed Mr. Phelps he said, "we have had a good first semester of school this year we would like to continue by improving test scores and shrinking the ineligibility list."

With the new semester there has been no new changes made to the schedule or new rules made for Elementary or High School students. Mr. Phelps has recently completed a new program for 4-H which is Archery. He will be offering it through Fox 4-H Club, several are already interested. Phelps laughs as he says, "it is a life long sport."

Mr. Phelps enjoys seeing the school succeed in whatever it is from Band, Athletics, Ag, to Academics. He is looking forward to a new year next year for football and academics. Phelps proudly says, "spring opens a lot of opportunity for Foxes to be successful!"

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