Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Pig Dissection Will Be Soon

By Kaylee Schier and Tyler Townsend

The students that are enrolled in Mr. McCartney's Biology class will be getting to start fetal pig dissection around next week. In this class, there are 17 students so he will be pairing them up with a partner to do this lab.

The reason why Mr. McCartney chose to do the fetal pigs is because they are so much like the human body. In doing this dissection you will get to see all parts of the fetal pig. This dissection will take about six days to complete. Mr. McCartney says proudly, "I enjoy getting to see students doing this dissection, the students enjoy it also, and it is an inquiring method of teaching."

During our interview we asked if there were any funny stories that he remembers the most. Mr. McCartney's response was, "there was one girl that passed out because she was so stressed out about cutting through skin." This dissection is a good thing to do because you get to learn where everything is, see it, and learn even more about how it works.

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