Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Prom Is Here!!!

By Kaylee Schier and Tyler Townsend

The Junior Class and Junior Class Sponsors have worked hard on getting prom this years ready. Promenade will be held in the Fox Auditorium starting at 5 p.m. Prom is this Friday March 25, 2011 at 7 p.m. at the Duncan Golf & Country Club. To make it easier on the Juniors and Junior Sponsors, they hired decorators to come in and do the decorating. During prom, there will be a banquet, Junior/Senior slide show, Senior class memories and a dance. We would love to have you come out and see everyone dressed up before they go to prom and see the work the Juniors and Junior Class Sponsors have done for the promenade, so be there at the Auditorium at 5PM, Friday!!!

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