Thursday, April 7, 2011

Retirement Profile: Ms. Crawshaw

By Claudia Ramirez As you may all know, Ms. Crawshaw will be retiring after this year, she has been here at Fox High School for 28 long years. She is going to miss all her friends, the kids, her running buddy Liz and just living down here because this has been home to her. She has mixed emotions about it being almost time to go. She is excited, sad (when she thinks about it) and calm (because she knows this is what she needs to do). The funniest moment she said she will never forget is, "Years ago when sagging first became popular, I had this boy I was always telling him to pick up his pants and I told him I would laugh so hard if someone pulled his pants down. Then the next day two girls stood on each side of the door and when he came into class they pulled his pants down. He kept them up after that." When Ms. Crawshaw leaves she said she's going to do anything she wants. Such as getting up later than 6:05 in the morning! Your a great teacher and we will miss you very much Ms. Crawshaw!

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