Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Thanksgiving Thankfuls - Day 10

Maci Morse: "My family and friends."

Colton Shaw: "My daddy."

Jagger Moore: "My family."

Laine Polzien: "My family."

Kayla Watkins: "My friends."

Allie Camp: "My friends."

Daylen Brantley: "My mom and dad."

Jessica Mitchell: "I'm thankful for my awesome teacher." (Mrs. Plant)

Mrs. Plant: "My healthy children and for all the children in my class."

Tyrese Davidson: "I am thankful for Jesus."

Daniel Dunigam: " My friends."

Mrs. Shepherd: "My family, job, house, my kids, and my family being healthy."

Mrs. Bea Butler: "My family, my health, my school family and friends, and our students at Fox School."

Mrs. Walker: "My home, family, my students, and God."

Kalob: "My mom and dad."

Hayley: "I'm thankful for all the food that we get."

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