Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thanksgiving Thankfuls - Day 2

Michael Cao - "I am thankful for my dad, mom, friends, classmates, my sisters and cousins."

Mathilde Parez - "I am thankful to have friends and a family."

Lauren Westervelt - "I am thankful because I am healthy."

Martha Castrellon - "I am thankful I have a family and that I am healthy."

Mary Lu - "I am thankful for my family. That they are all healthy and doing well. I am thankful for my wonderful job and that I can try to make a difference in the student's lives. I love them all.'

Ariah Johnson - "I'm thankful that I'm a Christian and I can spread the Gospel."

Seth Argo - "I'm thankful that I'm the awesomer of the two brothers! I'm just kidding, I'm thankful for my family and friends."

Ellen Thomassen - "I'm thankful for being here in America and having a family. For meeting Cece and Tyler and to forget the lovely Martha!"

Coach Worley - "I am thankful for my family and my health."

Karli Goodwin - "I am thankful for my life."

Colton Singleton - "I am thankful for my family."

James Murray - "I am thankful for my house."

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