Tuesday, October 26, 2010

October Students of the Month

by Danielle Morris and Jessica Schmidt

October's Students of the Month are Junior Kaylee Schier and Senior Dalton Wise. Dalton plans to go to ECU, Cameron, or ORU to become a dentist. He participates in football, baseball, FCCLA, student council, band and show band. His favorite thing to do is play baseball. Kaylee plans to go to OBU to get a degree in the medical field to be either a nurse or a physical therapist. She participates in FCCLA (president), cheerleading, FCA, Class President, and she is the SW-4 district officer in FCCLA. Her favorite things to do are hang out with her family and friends.

September students of the month were Samantha Wright and Dillon Langley.

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