Thursday, May 5, 2011

Senior Profile - Samantha Wright

Samantha Wright

We asked our Seniors a few questions about their thoughts on graduating.

What are you looking forward to after graduation?
"I am looking forward to experience life for myself, start a new life based on my morals and beliefs. I am also anxious to make new and lifelong friends. I hope to fulfill my goal and build my life, as well as live to the fullest."

What will you miss about school?
"I will miss my basketball family and my classmates. I will miss the enjoyment of knowing everyone in school and getting to know them one in one. I will miss the entire experience of high school and playing sports as a high school athlete."

Is there anything you want to say to your classmates?
" I would like to say I love you guys. I will always remember you all and the fun times and laughs that we had. I hope God directs your paths and that He holds all of you in His hands. I pray that all of you stay safe and succeed in whatever your life brings. And always remember to choose your M&M's carefully. I will always miss you!"

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