Wednesday, August 31, 2011

FCA is Back!

By Dillon Langley and Dalton Langley

FCA is the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Fox has had FCA before, but fot the past two years there has not been anyone to run the program. This year, the new coach and teacher, Mr. Worley, and the band teacher, Mr. Stringer, are working together to bring back the FCA program. Mr. Worley has been involved in FCA his whole life and is ready to get the program running. His main goal this year is to get the students more involved. The FCA is going to Stilwater this Saturday to listen to alumni speaker from OSU and to watch the OSU football game. The FCA group is going to meet once a month and because of sports, the time and days will be varied from time to time. If you have any questions about the FCA, please contact Mr. Worley or Mr. Stringer.

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