Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What Thanksgiving means to.....

In the coming days, the journalism students will ask various students, faculty and staff what Thanksgiving means to them and we will post their responses.

"It is a time for family to reflect on the past year of how God has blessed them and to show him thanks."
-Mr. Plant

"It means being with my family, enjoying a great meal, lots of football, and being thankful for what the good Lord has allowed me to do through the year and........BEING OUT OF SCHOOL!!"
-Coach McCartney

"Thanksgiving year is one of his favorite times of the year. This holiday reminds him of how his family is important to him and all he holds dear."
-Mr. Williams

"I love Thanksgiving, to me it is a time to enjoy the food, friends and family, and the laughter. I also love the Fall its such a great season!"
-Mary Lu

"This is the chance to gether all family members together.Being thankful for everything in your life,have fun and of course eat delicious thanksgiving meal."
-Mrs. Judy

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