Thursday, November 18, 2010

What Thanksgiving Means to.......

Thanksgiving means their is lots of family, food, and thankfulness.
-Sean Newell

Thanksgiving means Good food, spending time with family, and being around people he loves.
-Dillon Langley

Thanksgiving means Family time and being thankful.
-Jessika Abrego

Thanksgiving means Great Food, seeing family, spending time together, and out of school for a week!
-Hope Jones

Thanksgiving means meeting family, celebrating, talking, and eating.
-Jessica Schmidt

It means bringing the family together and eat a really big meal
-William Lovely

It means Holiday, turkey, corn, and indians

Thanksgiving means Good eating, spending time with family, good sweets (cookies and pie).

It means being with family, eating good food (dressing), and out of school.

Thanksgiving means a time to be thankful and celebrate your thankfulness for how the lord has blessed you.
-Mr. Phelps

It means a time together will all of your relatives and to talk and laugh, and have fun.
-Danielle Morris

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