Friday, September 17, 2010

The State of the Elementary

by Danielle Morris and Mayara Carreiro

The elementary is adjusting well to the changes to the new school year and have not been effected by the changes to the high school schedule. "This year is going great so far, the teachers and the kids are working hard and happy to see me." Elementary Principal Mr. Williams jokingly says. "I don't like the short lunch period but I like the fact that we will get out earlier this year, and have a longer summer so I guess I'll just have to deal with extra class period and shorter lunch," said one elementary student. Starting last year, the 7th grade moved down to the upper elementary building instead of the high school building and the 4th grade moved down to the lower elementary building. New this year is the 3 year old program and Pre-K is going full day. So far, so good for the new school year at Fox Elementary.

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