Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thanksgiving Thankfuls - Day 6

Preston Shepherd: "I am thankful for my mom, dad, sisters, Timmy and soldiers."

Harley Darling: "I am thankful for my dad, sisters and food."

Jeremiah Ballard: "I am thankful for my dad, mom, family, friends and school."

Ladonna Martin: "I'm thankful for my family."

Cymetrick Williams: "I'm thankful for playing football."

Vance Heffington: "I am thankful for peace and God."

Kyla Maldanado: "I'm thankful for freedom."

Haley Beasley: "I'm thankful for being alive."

Braden Johnson: "I am thankful for God, mom, dad and my brother."

David Martin: "I am thankful for family, food, sports and girls."

Mrs. Tivis: "I'm thankful for my kids being healthy, family, a week off for Thanksgiving, Christmas bonus and pants that will fit since I've been eating the cafeteria food."

Mrs. Spigner: "I am thankful for school vehicles and Kenney Spigner."

Mrs. Morse: "I'm thankful for my family, camper, going to the lake, getting to teach second grade, school breaks and shoes."

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