Friday, November 11, 2011

Thanksgiving Thankfuls - Day 8

Katie Kinsey: "I am thankful for my family."

Macy Morse: "I'm thankful for my family."

Claudia Ramirez: "I'm thankful for my family."

Mrs. Olson: "I'm thankful for mine and Rodger's health, for my family who are all wonderful people. I am thankful for being able to work at the school and feel like I'm helping in a small way."

Stormi Moss: "I'm thankful for my family, God and my friends."

Cassie Barber: "I am thankful for having my family and friends."

Kelcey Wright: "I am thankful for turkeys!"

Kaylie Frink: "I am thankful for my mom."

Mrs. Kinsey: "I'm thankful for my God, my family, my job and all the happiness I enjoy every day."

Evan Ruth: "I'm thankful for my entire family, my friends, my present and future and also my happiness."

Preston Townsend: "I'm thankful for Evan."

Matthew Doughty: "I am thankful for my family."

Kurstyn Beaird: "I'm thankful for having a great school, great teachers and phone privileges."

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